Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Journal Entry: Tuesday, 8/2/2016

Day 14 of 15


20.4 miles (plus 0.5 other miles from Jefferson Park campsite)
2,360' elevation gain
8.0 hours hiking
2.61 hiking mph


Link to all photos from day 14.

Journal Entry

italics = original journal text
regular = added during transcription

Woke up to the coldest morning yet. Jeff Park was amazing in the morning as expected.

On my way out, I stopped for water at Russell Lake. The low temperature slowed my filter excruciatingly, making my freezing fingers all the more uncomfortable. 

Hiked in my puffy (this was the only time I had to wear my puffy jacket while hiking in the morning) to the top of the pass north of the park (2 miles), then noticed the entire valley and mtn were enveloped in a cold fog. The valley where Jefferson Park is located went from clear and sunny to 100' visibility in 30 minutes (see photo sequence below). The cold wind came howling over the pass, bringing the fog with it. This continued down the other side [of the pass] for about an hour. The north side of the pass was erie [sic] & spooky. Visibility only about 100' and large snow patches. Felt like the moon. R achilles was worse than yesterday, so I wrapped it with an Ace bandage and took some Advil. Helped a lot once it kicked in, but I couldn't tell if the wrap did anything. Hoping it feels better tomrw...

This was the second full day having a sore achilles and I began to worry that it wouldn't get better. I started adjusting my hiking style to ease some of the pain, but this stressed other muscles in my legs. Ignoring the pain was difficult, as I could feel it with every step.

Stopped at Ollalie Lk, whose store was disappointing. Hiking in, I was naively dreaming of burgers and hot dogs, so anything less was heartbreaking. They had a decent beer selection, but limited food. I settled on (Hop Valley's) Alphadelic IPA, Cheetos, & an ice cream bar. They didn't have WiFi or even a cc machine, had to ring me up by hand.

Afterwards, I was both sad and relieved at the lack of technology. I believe that if there would've been cell service or WiFi, I would've called Kylie and discussed getting picked up (due to ankle). This may have indeed been the right call to make, but I was still hopeful that my ankle would get better.

I met a few SoBos out front [of the store]. A friendly bunch who even gave me some heel lifter insoles. He said he struggles w/ the same issue and that they helped.

Walking around out front of the store, I felt that these may help. Once back on trail however, they made little-to-no difference to my already-injured ankle.

Saw my first bear around mile 16 today. It just ran across the trail about 50' in front of me.

After the spectacular scenery the day before and the bear sighting today, I began to feel that my hike was coming to an end; that these were offerings from the trail before I was forced off.

Didn't have service all day after descending the pass at mile 2, despite leaving my burner phone on all day. I hope that changes tmrw. It was nice to txt Kylie for the 30 mins I could.

Camped @ a large-ish spot w/ 2 other groups. Everyone was tent-bound by 6.

 Hiking out of Jefferson park (7:08am).

 Fog just starting to roll in (7:38am).

Fog increasing (7:45am). 

At the top of the pass (8:09am).

 Looking north towards where the trail leads.

Trail descending on snow through fog.


Numerous large cairns; evidence that this area gets high snow levels late into the season. 

More unique trail.

Camp, day 14.

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