Monday, August 15, 2016

Journal Entry: Sunday, 7/31/2016

Day 12 of 15


13.8 miles
2,904' elevation gain
5.0 hours hiking
2.76 hiking mph


Link to all photos from day 12.

Journal Entry

italics = original journal text
regular = added during transcription

After driving north from Odell Lake through Bend and Sisters, Kylie and I got to Big Lake Youth Camp around noon. Here, I picked up my resupply box for the upcoming stint. We then drove back to the PCT trailhead at Highway 20, just a few miles north.

Once at the trailhead, I sorted through the food, swapping out items I hadn't been enjoying. At about 1:00, I sadly said goodbye to Kylie and watched her drive away for the second time in 3 weeks.

Back on trail this afternoon. Picked up my box from BLYC (skipped stint 4). Happy w/ my decision to skip so far. It was hard enough lvg Kylie again.

The trail was busy at this time of day; Sunday afternoon means a lot of hikers heading back towards the parking lot. The views were refreshing; Mt. Washington, the three Sisters, and Broken Top all to the South. Three Fingered Jack loomed just to the north, its northern slopes my destination for this abbreviated day.

Did almost 14 miles before finding a spot near a lake. Looking forward to seeing how far I can go each day in an effort to maintain (or beat) schedule.

Caught a couple of thru hikers (from San Diego & Vancouver BC). Hiked w/ them for a while before stopping for dinner. Then found them camped when I got to Rockpile Lake.

Zero days were nice, mostly just for the fact of being w/ Kylie. It felt overwhelming at times, and I had a couple breakdowns over minor things (loading the car w/ groceries). I'm not sure camping was the best idea either. Added complications and still relative comfort.

During these zero days, I found myself full of emotions that I couldn't really understand or explain. I told Kylie that my brain felt like molasses. My thoughts seemed to take a while to form; instead of "popping" into my head, they felt as though I was dragging them to the surface.

It took almost a full day to realize that I was having a hard time adjusting to city life. There felt like there was so much to do and so many things to go wrong. It was then that Kylie pointed out how I'd likely become accustomed to the simplicity of life on trail.

Geoff and Hilary were there for a day as well (Fri night to Sunday morn). We all had a good time playing games and imbibing.

Just saw Sprout go by (as I was laying in bed writing). The rest of the group must just be a day or 2 behind (depending on how many zeroes they took in Bend).

I'm torn b/c I keep thinking in terms of finishing, but am worried I'll regret feeling that way. When I'm honest w/ myself tho, I miss Kylie and being at home. I am happy I got back on trail instead of quitting outright. I only hope I don't regret skipping the last (previous) 86 miles.

 PCT trailhead at Hwy 20 (Santiam Pass).

Looking back towards the south. Right to left: Mt. Washington (7,794'), the Three Sisters (10,358', 10,056', 10,085'), and Broken Top (9,175').

 Looking up at Three Fingered Jack (7,841'). Thru hikers ahead.

View west from the western slopes of Three Fingered Jack.

Mt. Jefferson (10,497') 13 miles to the north.

High point along the traverse of Three Fingered Jack: Porcupine pass. Switchbacks seen below.

First sight of the rescue helicopter. I learned about its purpose later in the day.

Looking back at Three Fingered Jack, amazed at the progress a day of hiking can bring. Mt. Washington, the Three Sisters, and Broken Top also visible.

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