Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Journal Entry: Friday, 6/28/2019

Day 2 of 11


22.0 miles
2,013' elevation gain
8.50 hours hiking


Link to all photos and videos from day 2.

Journal Entry

italics = original journal text
regular = added during transcription

Lots of mosquitos today! Not as bad as 2016 yet though. Backpacker Radio had a listener question about pooping before vs. after digging the cat hole which I was just thinking about this morning while digging mine! (before pooping, FYI).

Also listened to a This American Life episode about a wimp in a football player body. Reminded me of Daro. "Gary Gullman is getting huge!"

Jeff and I leapfrogged with a couple doing the OR section today. They walked quite fast but took long breaks, so we saw them 4 or 5 times. After hiking together off and on for about 20 miles since yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I split up at one of our breaks today. Here, the mosquitoes were swarming him while leaving me in relative peace so he hiked on without me. He and the couple stayed ahead of me for the rest of the day until this evening when I came upon the 3 of them camped at Mac Lake. It was only 4:00 so I filled a bottle and then ate dinner in my tarp. (yes, I set it up just for dinner - the bugs!!!) I continued on for 5 miles until 6:30 so unless I get a late start and Jeff an early one, we likely won't cross paths again.

In addition to the OR section couple, I met Crash and Princess Polly who are thru hiking this summer. 

Camp, morning 2.

A sample of the trash picked up at camp.

Hiking with Jeff.

Update from the afternoon of day 1.

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