Sunday, July 14, 2019

Journal Entry: Saturday, 6/29/2019

Day 3 of 11


22.8 miles
3,447' elevation gain
9.00 hours hiking


Link to all photos and videos from day 3.

Journal Entry

italics = original journal text
regular = added during transcription

What a day! After an uneventful first 10 miles, lots of events happened.

  1. I got service at my second break and called Kylie. 
  2. I got caught in a thunderstorm. Luckily it only lasted an hour or so  I took refuge under a small grove of trees. I hadn't seen any lightning to accompany the loud thunderclaps overhead, but didn't want the first strike to be on my umbrella. So I donned my rainjacket and made some ramen while waiting it out. 
  3. I hiked across Wickiup Plain - such a weird and amazing place. Having just hiked out of the previously mentioned thunderstorm, it felt otherworldly to be hiking across a barren, sunny tundra at the foot of South Sister and siblings. 
  4. I met and hiked with Lauren and Jerry who are finishing their Three Sisters circumambulation tomorrow. We linked up right before the snow began in earnest and it was just the mental safety net I needed to push into the evening. The weather and snow conditions were an unknown, while usually-reliable campsites may be under snow. Regardless, the three of us set off at 2:30 with the goal of pushing halfway thru the 18-mile affected area.
  5. We hiked over 8 miles of snow! And we have 10 more miles tomorrow. Luckily, Geoff and I hiked the latter 8 of them last weekend, giving me valuable insight into the conditions.

Camp, morning 3.

Early morning meadow.

Approaching South Sister (left). Broken Top and Mt. Bachelor (right) also passing by.

Waiting out an afternoon thunderstorm. Listen for the thunderclap at the end!

Wickiup Plain - what a cool place to see.

We met a 4-dog sled team out for a Summer trip!

A few miles into the snow.

Camp, night 3.

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